Contact Us(508) 771-4266contact@captainparkers.comFacebookInstagramYelpGoogleVisit UsHoursDaily: 11:30 AM – 8:00 PM (9 PM on Friday & Saturday)Holidays: Open on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Kindly note that we don’t accept reservations, even for large groups. Click here to view current waitlistCaptain Parkers Pub668 Route 28,West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Send a MessageName*Email* How Did You Find Us?PLEASE SELECTSearch engine: GoogleSearch engine: BingAnother websiteWord of mouthVisited your restaurantPrint adRadio adTelevision adBy mistakeI don't knowContact ReasonPLEASE SELECTGeneral InquiryRestaurant ComplaintChowder ComplaintSuggestion/PraiseWebsite ErrorOtherPhone*Message Please add me to your mailing listCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.